IV Therapy For Allergy Symptoms In Arizona

Do you have itchy eyes, runny nose, dry cough or plugged ears? If you’re in Arizona, you know that seasonal allergies never really seem to go away. If you're suffering from allergies, we can help. Arizona IV Medics offers Mobile IV Therapy Services to help with your allergy symptoms.

IV therapy for allergies
IV Drip For Allergies

Recommended IV For Allergies:

For allergies, we typically recommend the Regular Myers' Cocktail IV with an Antihistamine add-in. This IV package costs $200 and includes a blast of B vitaminsVitamin CMagnesium and Zinc! We offer this IV throughout the Phoenix, Tucson, and Flagstaff areas.

If you are looking for a less expensive package, we offer Purely Saline for $130. You can then choose the antihistamine add-in, and B Complex which should give some allergy relief.

IV for allergies

What Causes Allergy Symptoms?

Allergies usually occur when a foreign object enters or touches your body, and the immune system reacts to it. During an allergic reaction, your immune system releases histamine. Histamine is the culprit behind many of the symptoms that accompany an allergy. Allergies can be caused by:

  •   Seasonal changes
  •   Pet dander
  •   Food and medication
  •   Insect bites

Symptoms IV Drip Therapy for Allergies Can Help With

Most allergies present with minor symptoms such as a runny nose, itchy eyes and sneezing. Some allergies are severe and can even cause anaphylaxis. It’s important to talk to your primary care provider about your allergies and the symptoms you experience. Even though allergies can’t be cured, IV therapy is one of the best ways to dilute allergen reactions and relieve symptoms. It works with your body to flush out allergens and restore lost fluids and nutrients.

You’ve probably heard of the famous Neti pot and claims of how it helps with congestion. This remedy works in the short-term, though. IV drip therapy for allergies, on the other hand, flushes irritants from the inside of your system by fighting off what’s triggering your immune system. Other people opt for over-the-counter antihistamines whenever they have allergies. These medications work by blocking the symptoms of allergies rather than flushing irritants out of your system. IV therapy for allergies help flush out allergens from the body. Antihistamine and anti-inflammatory medications may also be added to IV drips to give you quick relief and long-term results.

allergies hydration iv therapy
iv therapy for allergies at home

The Many Uses of IVs

Our IVs can help alleviate an array of conditions. Some of these conditions include:

A man standing next to a table with a bag of yellow liquid hanging from it
  • Antihistamine Medication

    Antihistamine medication such as Diphenhydramine or Benadryl can be added if your symptoms warrant it. Diphenhydramine is a very powerful IV medicine, it resolves allergy symptoms fast, and promotes sleep.

  • Vitamin C

    Vitamin C is a remedy for almost any allergy. It acts as an antioxidant and is extremely useful for combating allergic symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, coughing, skin rashes, chest cramps and anemia.

  • B Vitamins

    B vitamins are especially potent when it comes to alleviating the symptoms of an allergy by bolstering the immune system, getting rid of free radicals, boosting energy and mood levels and improving sleep patterns.

  • Anti-inflammatory Medication

    Our IV infusion also contains anti-inflammatory medications such as Toradol, which is optional and can be added if your symptoms warrant it. Anti-inflammatory meds help stabilize the cells responsible for releasing histamine in response to allergens. This means the symptoms of allergic reactions and inflammation can be diminished significantly.

  • Magnesium

    Magnesium isn’t only essential for hydration, but it also has anti-inflammatory and muscle-relaxing properties. Together with other medications, magnesium helps relax the upper respiratory system, easing dry coughs, breathing difficulties and wheezing.

IV treatment for allergies

Call Us Now to Schedule an IV Treatment

If you’re suffering from severe allergies, you should speak with your doctor. If you suffer from minor and seasonal allergies, IV therapy can help you feel better by getting to the root of the problem and flushing out allergens rather than just masking them. Additionally, IV treatment can also keep you hydrated in the Arizona heat.

Give us a call or text us at 623-521-5034 today. You can also schedule your in-home IV therapy online!


Last Reviewed by Matt Heistan on September 22, 2020

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